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Pupils and Families


PSHE Tasks for Week Commencing 8.7.24

Please see tasks below for Key stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Careers for the week commencing 8/7/24.

For friendly feedback, email your work to:

Key Stage 3 PSHE Topic

Friendships and Relationships


Know how to safely and responsibly form, maintain and manage positive relationships, including online

Understand qualities and behaviours to expect and exhibit in a wide variety of relationships.

Know conflict management skills and strategies to reconcile after breakdown and disagreement



There are organisations that give advice and support on friendships and relationships such as NSPCC Making Sense of Relationships and RiseAbove - Forming Positive Relationships.

There are some useful information sheets below that are well worth reading and may be useful for friendships you may have now and in future.  Read the information sheets by clicking the links below and complete tasks for them that you are interested in or imagine you are an agony aunt/uncle answering email letters from young people asking friendship questions.

Making Friends: How to Build Relationships

How to Cope with Change in Friendships

Handling Disagreements in Friendships

How to Deal with a Toxic Friendships

How to Help a Friend Through a Rough Patch



Making And Building Friendships’

  • Which do you think are the 5 top tips they give for building friendships?
  • What expectations should there be between friends?

How To Help a Friend Through A Rough Patch

  • Which of the suggested ways do you think are best for helping a friend through a rough patch?
  • What is the best way to have a difficult conversation?

How To Cope with Change in a Friendship

  • Name some situations that may cause a friendship to change
  • Explain 5 things you can do to cope with change in relationships

‘Handling Disagreements In Friendships’

  • What do you consider to be the top tips for making up after an argument?
  • What are the best ways to handle feelings of jealousy?
  • What is good advice to do if you feel excluded?
  • What are reasonable ways to end a relationship?

How To Deal with a Toxic Friendship?

  • Name 5 signs that a friendship is difficult or toxic?
  • What good advice could you give to someone who must deal with a toxic relationship?
  • What is the best way to cope when a friendship ends?

Key Stage 4 PSHE Topic

Managing Intimate Relationships – Sharing Explicit Images



To evaluate different motivations and contexts in which sexual images are shared and possible legal, emotional and social consequences


Key Information

It is illegal to possess nude pictures of someone under 18 and the sender could face prosecution.  It should be reported and deleted.


The Law On Sharing Explicit Images

It is a very serious offence to take or share sexual images of another person, without their consent.

Depending on the circumstances, sharing such images can be an offence under various pieces of legislation including the Sexual Offences Act (2003), Malicious Communications Act (1988), Obscene Publications Act (1959) and the Protection of Children Act (1978).

If the victim is under 18, it could also lead to the sender being subject to the notification requirements under Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, commonly referred to as the Sex Offender Register.

It is illegal to produce, possess or distribute an indecent image of a person under the age of 18 – even if it’s a picture of themselves.

These laws have been created to protect children and young people against harassment, coercion and harm.

There are many reasons people may think it is a good idea to send explicit images, such as for a joke; love for a partner; wanting a ‘reminder’; sexual stimulation; to turn a remote/online relationship into a sexual relationships; keep up with friends who do it; feeling pressured and coerced; revenge porn, but all can lead to prosecution if the person in the image is under 18, whether they consent or not.  There are also many consequences of what happens, in addition to legal consequences, such as what family will feel, stress, what will become of the photos, impact on the future and amongst peers in school who get to know.

Childline and CEOPS have tips on how to respond to pressure for pictures and expert help.

Everyone should be clear of the consequences of being in possession and sharing explicit images of both them and others and how to get or help a friend who is being pressured or have received explicit images.



Consider the scenarios below. See if you can answer the following questions:

  • What are the consequences for everyone in the following scenarios? 
  • What could have been done at each stage to prevent it happening?
  • How will each person, their families and friends be impacted by it? 
  • What advice and support is available for everyone to now manage the situation?
  • What can the young people do?
  • How can families support?
  • How can friends support?


  1. A couple send explicit images of themselves to each other during the course of their relationship. After the break-up one of them sends pictures of the other with rude comments about the person to their college friends as revenge for being hurt.
  2. At a party someone gets very drunk and ends up naked in bed with someone then passes out.  The other person then takes pictures of the person who has passed out and shares pictures on social media.
  3. Someone puts a selfie of themselves in their underwear on social media.  Someone the person knows prints off the picture and passes it around school with abuse written all over it.
  4. A couple have been going out with each other for some time and have shared explicit pictures of each other on their phones. A ‘friend’ of one of the persons saw the picture and when the phone owner was not looking for a laugh sent it to all the contacts in the mail list.

Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4



Identifying qualities and skills, how they can help you now and, in the future.



Identify your qualities and skills in the table on the attachment below

  1. Colour code your personal top ten qualities and skills.
  2. In  a different colour, colour code 10 other further qualities and skills you think would be important to develop for the courses and career you are interested in following
  3. Explain ways in which you currently demonstrate these qualities and skills and how they could be used in a future course or career

Qualities and Skills I Have

Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319