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ICT/IT Users


Our approach is to recognise that all pupils referred to us are individuals with often diverse levels of experience and/or exposure to education in these subject areas and as a result may struggle to engage with it or lack the confidence or understanding in using technologies and application of IT skills to access or support them in other subject areas. We also want to spark new interests that could lead to possible careers or simply to enrich their life through hobbies and interests outside of school.

We also acknowledge that society and the world of work is changing and as such new creative job opportunities in various sectors are becoming available that break the constraints of traditional working practices. We endeavour to enable our pupils to undertake activities in information and communication technology (ICT)/Computing and Graphic Design/Creative Media thus contributing to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

  • successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Exposure to this combined range of subject areas can stimulate and engage our pupils in what is of interest to them and enables them to potentially gain additional opportunities when successfully transitioning back to a mainstream setting or progressing through to Post-16.

We are Hope driven and actively encourage our pupils to grow in capacity and resilience to take on new and often challenging learning opportunities either on an individual basis or in supportive group work. We also encourage teaching and learning to be undertaken both in and outside a classroom setting. Fundamental British Values are interwoven throughout everything that we do and link strongly with our Hope-based approach and Hope language used.


Our line of sight and SOW is built on a Multidisciplinary Subject Approach Inclusive of Elements of KS3 - Traditional ICT, Computing and Art & Design (Digital Creative Media). This supports some continuity in the event of return to a mainstream setting, opening potential additional subject choices at KS4 and also ensures that KS3 pupils have the foundation skills to access our L2 IT Users course.

Example Schema
Milkshake Logo Schema

Image Capture and Editing Studio Photography Schema



Our inclusive multidisciplinary approach allows our scheme of work to encompass the subject areas as noted above and is created with reference to the national curriculum. It offers the flexibility to adapt and change to the diverse range of experience and needs of pupils referred to us that either need support to build on prior knowledge and experiences, need stretch and exposure to new things to enrich and encourage enjoyment in learning or require the acquisition of basic skills to support them to use IT equipment and apply IT skills so that they can access other subjects.

It is a 3-year plan split into 6 areas of study in each year. Years 1 and 2, aimed at Yr7/8 support for ICT/Computing, Year 3 aimed at Yr 9 support for Improving Productivity using IT, Design/Creative Media/Photography content in preparation for IT Users course at KS4. Verbal, recall activities and Progress Checked assessment methods used.


Our offer is Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award/Certificate for IT Users (ITQ) (QCF). Depending on start date, attendance and ability to work independently, students will have the opportunity to complete either the Award (3 units) or the Certificate (4 units).

The four units to be completed are:

  • Unit 201 Improving Productivity Using IT
  • Unit 220 Design Software
  • Unit 221 Imaging Software
  • Unit 225 Presentation Software.

Delivery model of Initial Theory and Pre-learning opportunities and projects prior to assessment project tasks. Majority of pre-learning/assessment task themes/contexts are pupil lead. Continual assessment and internal verification as pupils complete work.


The increasing use of technology in all aspects of society makes confident, creative and productive use of ICT an essential skill for life. ICT capability encompasses not only the mastery of technical skills and techniques, but also the understanding to apply these skills purposefully, safely and responsibly in learning, everyday life and employment.

ICT capability is fundamental to participation and engagement in modern society. ICT can be used to find, develop, analyse and present information, as well as to model situations and solve problems. ICT enables rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures, and allows pupils to collaborate and exchange information on a wide scale. Increased capability in the use of ICT supports initiative and independent learning, as pupils are able to make informed judgements about when and where to use ICT to enhance their learning and the quality of their work.

Careers Related to KS3 and KS4 Course


Graphic Design 


Game Designer

National Careers Service 

Admin Assistant

Graphic Design

Cyber Security

Clinical Photographer/Illustrator


BBC Bitesize - Computing

BBC Bitesize - ICT


Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319