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Lincolnshire Prevent Update

Lincolnshire Prevent have shared the following statistics: 

From all the counter-terrorism threats across the UK, 75% are Islamic terrorists and 25% are Extreme Right-Wing Terrorists (ERWT). 

From all the counter-terrorism threats across the East Midlands, 60% are Islamic and 40% ERWT. 

13% of those suspected to be involved in UK terrorism are under the age of 18 years.  

45% of referrals to Prevent come from education.  

In 2001 and 2020 the number of young people arrested in the UK for terrorist related offences was between 4 and 6%. This currently stands at 15% and is heavily linked to online activity.  

The majority of these cases relate to ERW ideology.  

Our role as a school is to prevent students being drawn into terrorism of any kind, at any level, and to challenge extremist ideas of all types. 

If you have any concerns or require any further information, there is an excellent online resource: 

Please feel free to contact any member of our Pilgrim Safeguarding or Senior Leadership Team if you require any further assistance. Contact details can be found here.

Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319