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Week commencing 13.5.24

Please see tasks below for Key stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Careers for the week commencing 29/4/24.

For friendly feedback, email your work to: 

Key Stage 3 PSHE Topic: Balanced Eating


Know the role of a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle and the impact of unhealthy food choices.


Salt, sugar and saturated fat are thought to be poor for a diet and linked to a range of health problems.

Sugar is linked to tooth decay. Salt is linked to raised blood pressure, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastric cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, Meniere’s disease and kidney disease.  Saturated fats are linked to raised and bad cholesterol which clogs blood vessels and arteries leading to strokes and heart attacks.

McDonald's, Kentucky, Pizza and other fast foods can be very high in sugar, salt and saturated fats so it is important to see these meals as a treat rather than part of a regular diet and to research and think about choices before buying.


  • Research which of McDonald’s meals are highest and lowest in salt, sugar and saturated fat (‘McDonald's Our Menu UK’. Click on each food item to find nutritional information.  This could be displayed in a table or graph.  Which would be the healthiest and least healthiest choices?

  • Research and produce a poster to explain the link between diets high in sugar and tooth decay in children and young people.  You could use statistics, images of how tooth decay occurs, foods and drinks that are high in sugar, how to reduce tooth decay.

  • Research and explain the link between poor diet and obesity and the health conditions linked to obesity such as diabetes and cancer.


Research how you could make similar meals to your favourite take-aways at home. Identify whether they are healthier than bought examples or whether you could adapt to make them healthier. has 45 healthy Indian, Chinese and Italian take-away recipes to explore.

If you make up any recipes, we would love to see a picture of them.

Key Stage 4 PSHE Topic: Relationships – Managing Intimate Relationships - Consent


Understand the concept of consent in relationships.


A person must be able to deliberatively and actively be able to choose whether to have sex and an intimate relationship or not. 

If coercion, manipulation, exploitation, or duress is involved, this is not freely giving consent. This includes the use or threat of force, or maybe more subtle, for example, if the person seeking consent is in a position of power or authority or is significantly older than the other person.

The person must be old enough and have the mental capacity and understanding to make that choice.  The law would say a person is not able to give consent if drunk, drugged, unconscious, or have a mental condition or learning difficulty so they cannot make that choice.  It is the responsibility of the person seeking sex to ensure the partner is freely assenting to sex.  The seeker of sex must ensure consent is given each time. Giving consent once does not mean consent can be assumed on subsequent occasions.

The legal age of sexual consent

Despite what young people may feel in situations the age of consent in law (Sexual Offences Act 2003) is 16 and it is illegal to have sex with someone under 16, even if they consented. 

However, the Crown Prosecution Service states that ‘children of the same or similar age are unlikely to be prosecuted for engaging in sexual activity, where the activity is mutually agreed and there is no abuse or exploitation.

But it is important to note:

  1. It is an absolute illegal offence for one or more persons to engage in sexual activity with a child under 13 whether there is consent or not.

  2. In cases where a person over the age of 16 has sex with someone under 16, it is the person over 16 who commits the offence, not the younger person.

  3. The absence of consent does not have to be proved if the following acts are carried out – only the act itself:

  • Rape, assault by penetration or sexual assault of a child under 13

  • Inciting a person to engage in sexual activity with a child under 13

  • Children under 18 having sex with persons in a position of trust

  • Children under 18 involved with family members over 18

  • Inducing, threatening or deceiving a person with a mental disorder that can’t make choices to have sexual relations with a care worker

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can be carried out by a person of any gender against a person of any gender.  It occurs when someone deliberately touches someone in a sexual manner without their consent.  It may or may not include penetration. 

Rape and sexual assault should be reported to trusted adults and the police by calling 999 as soon after the crime as possible.  If it is recent keep the clothes and do not wash them, try not to shower as the police may be able to gather important evidence from them.

If a person is under 17 then the case will be dealt with by the child protection team of the local police station.

Some areas have Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) - use the NHS Choices tool to find one in your area. They can offer you medical support and collect evidence that can be used later.

You can also contact a support organisation:


Discuss or give your opinion:

  •  Are these laws fair?

  • Why are these laws important?  Who do they protect?  Why?

  • Should the age of consent be lower/higher/stay the same? Why?

  • Produce an advice sheet for peers explaining the importance of consent, how and why they should seek support if raped or assaulted


  • Find out what the legal consequences are of not abiding by the law.

  • What are the physical, emotional, social and moral consequences of not abiding by these laws mean?

Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Careers


Investigating post-16 job opportunities


Follow the link below to find out everything you need to know about getting paid.  It includes information on:

  • What a pay slip is and why it is important

  • The difference between net and gross pay

  • What taxes are used to pay for and how much you pay

  •  What national insurance is and what it helps to pay for

  • What PAYE means

Select some jobs from My Path: Job of the week.  Using the average earnings for that job work out approximately what you will pay in:

  • Tax (currently you pay nothing up to yearly pay of £12,571); You pay 20% if you earn between £12,572 and £50,270; You pay 40% if you earn between £50,271 and £126, 140.  You pay 45% if you earn over £126, 140.

  • National insurance Contribution (NIC) The amount you pay is dependent upon how much you earn.  It is currently set at 8% up to the upper earnings limit, which is £967 per week or £4,189 per month for 2024/25.

  • What you will be left with (NET)

Get in touch

The Pilgrim School, Carrington Drive,
Lincoln, LN6 ODE

01522 682319